Benefits of growing with Evogro

The Evogro system has three key benefits: 

  • Quality
  • Simplicity 
  • Sustainability

Benefits of growing with Evogro

The Evogro system has three key benefits: 

  • Quality
  • Simplicity 
  • Sustainability


Our goal is to help you grow the best possible plants – better than you can get from any other source. We strive to perfect all aspects of crop quality including flavour, appearance and consistency.

The superiority of Evogro-grown produce stems from several factors. Firstly, by controlling and optimising the growing conditions we can give each plant exactly what it needs for strong, healthy growth and we are constantly experimenting in our lab to develop new crop models. Because Evogro cabinets have multiple independent zones you can have different crops with different needs all growing happily in the same cabinet.

Secondly, all our plants are grown without pesticides or herbicides and are free from soil or human contamination. No one will touch your crops except you.

Thirdly, because you have living plants growing in your premises, you can harvest them seconds before serving – you cannot get fresher! We can select plant varieties to maximise flavour not shelf-life.

Evogro is the choice of many leading professional chefs and bartenders who demand the highest standards in the produce they use. 



Growing your own crops to a high standard using traditional methods takes considerable time and know-how, even assuming you do have a suitable outside space. Even the most knowledgable gardener can be a victim of elements beyond their control. However inside an Evogro cabinet the environment is controlled so each plant gets what it needs, and your plants are protected from pests and diseases. Evogro’s automated system makes growing simple and reliable. It requires minimal effort and works perfectly, all year round.

Each cabinet is fitted with multiple sensors and cameras, which means we can track the growth of every plant and program the cabinet automatically. Our app can give you notifications of any tasks you need to complete to ensure your production cycle runs smoothly. You don’t need to be an expert horticulturist to get excellent results!


We are all looking for more ways to make positive, sustainable food choices. By growing your own crops with Evogro, you can avoid the adverse environmental effects of the conventional fresh produce supply chain: transportation, processing, storage and packaging. 

Salad leaves and microgreens are inherently highly perishable and are frequently and avoidably wasted. WRAP’s study on Household Food Waste found that a staggering 43% of lettuce & leafy greens that are purchased end up being wasted.

With the Evogro system you can avoid this wastage because you only harvest what you need, just when you need it. The rest of your crops can keep on growing happily in your cabinet.

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